
As a family business, Van der Endt-Louwerse attaches a great deal of value to quality and safety. This is the basis of our success. We are convinced that this not only leads to satisfied customers, but also to satisfied staff.

All products made at Van der Endt-Louwerse are considered to be animal feed, with the exception of sand. Animal feeds are a major link in the animal production chain, directly influencing the quality and safety of foodstuffs. The government has established rules in animal feed legislation, which guarantee the quality of animal feed.

For this reason, our company is GMP+ certified. Our quality system describes how we guarantee our continually improve our quality. Our customers place a key role in this. Where possible we carry out our work in line with our customers’ requirements. However, we always comply with the legal standards and regulations.

It goes without saying that our company’s focus is on the natural environment. We are very aware of nature’s beauty and vulnerability. With the Oosterschelde National Park virtually on our doorstep, we make every effort to impact the environment as little as possible. Our environmental management system is ISO 14001 certified. Attention for environmental aspects is therefore a regular feature of our strategy.

+ certificates can be downloaded here


GMP Certificate

ISO14001 Certificate