Mineral mixtures

Pigeon grit

Pigeon grit
Pigeon grit is a complete mineral grit especially formulated for pigeons. Pigeon grit is a supplement to the usual feed and meets the need for extra calcium, stomach grit and minerals. We have variou [..]

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Bird grit

Bird grit
Bird grit is a complete mineral grit especially compiled for small birds. Bird grit is a supplement to the usual feed and meets the bird’s need for extra calcium, stomach grit and minerals. Bird gr [..]

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Vogelgrit is een compleet mineralen grit speciaal samengesteld voor kleine vogels. Het dient als aanvulling op het gewone voer om te voorzien in de behoefte aan extra calcium, maagkiezel en mineralen. [..]

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Redstone / Redstone with limestone

Redstone / Redstone with limestone
Redstone is an important ingredient that we use in our various pigeon grit mixes. Redstone is made from clay that is baked at high temperatures. Pigeon grit is a supplement to the usual feed and meets [..]

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Mineral mixes

Mineral mixes
We stock various well-balanced mineral mixes for pigeons and numerous other birds. The different ingredients in the grit are essential for optimal digestion. The mixes contain a wealth of minerals and [..]

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